Subject: Presentation of proofs/certificates/attestations for covid-19
Due to questions I receive about when a citizen is required to show a certificate that he has been vaccinated or has a negative rapid test or PCR or that he has contracted and recovered from covid-19, I would like to clarify the following:
These certificates are health data and based on the General Data Protection Regulation, they must receive increased protection.
Employees who are required to hold negative rapid test or PCR certificates, within the framework of the Decrees for workplaces, have NO obligation to present or show them to their employer, but inform him of the result.
At this stage, an employee who has been vaccinated and is exempt from the obligation to undergo a rapid test or PCR, for a certain period of time, informs his employer about this, but is NOT required to present any certificate.
In any case, the responsibility of proof rests with the person required to hold such a certificate.
Citizens who hold such certificates, if requested, have an obligation to show them to competent Inspectors or Police Officers, in the context of compliance checks with the applicable Decrees.
Apart from the competent Inspector or the Police, no person has the right to ask a citizen for any certificate, either to be allowed to enter a place, or for any other purpose.
Irini Loïzidou Nikolaidou
Protection Commissioner
Personal Data
April 26, 2021